Saturday, 9 March 2013

Gillian and David on a Greek Island

Gillian and David on a Greek Island Refusing To Be Destroyed By The Desertion and Denial of Paternity of the Abandoning Father David Cocks Q C My Pupil Master and My Son,s Father Who Didnt Bother to see him even when he was in hospital. I tried to give our child the best life I could and can interesting and special full of music learning beauty art poetry poilitics and human rights

Gillian in pigtails

Gillian  in pigtails a few years after my mother died holding Auntie Connies dog

Gillian and David

Bringing up David Cocks Q C's  son on my own I gave David the best life i could with £16 a week help from David for 12 years and working as best I could as a junior barrister.

Gillian as a child ,left